Privacy Policy


Your personal data provided will be collected and processed by Ysios Capital Partners, S.G.E.I.C.,S.A., whose information is indicated below:

Corporate Name: Ysios Capital Partners S.G.E.I.C., S.A.
Address:   Avenida de la Libertad 25, 4 A-B, Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain)<
Telephone: 943 108 219


Your personal data will be processed for the purposes of the management of the contractual and/or commercial relationship, as well as, if you so request or authorize it with respect to the cookies we install, in order to adapt the web page to your needs, and to inform you and send you communications, even by electronic and/or telematic means, about our company, including information about the different services offered by Ysios. Consequently, the legal basis of the processing is the provision of the contracted service and, with respect to cookies and commercial communications, your consent.

Personal data will only be processed for as long as it is necessary, useful and relevant. Once the relationship is finalized, the data will be kept for the sole purpose of and for the time necessary to comply with the applicable legal obligations (ten years in the case of information linked to your user account, and three years for commercial communications). Only those third parties to whom it is legally obliged to provide them and companies that have been entrusted with internal management services of the company will have access to them.

Likewise, the following rights may be exercised, in the terms established by the regulations in force: rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, as well as request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, oppose to it, or request the portability of your data, by directing a postal communication to the address indicated above or electronically to

In any case, the affected party has the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in relation to the treatment carried out by Ysios Capital Partners SGEIC, S.A.

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